The car they tease you with isn't even part of an end mission or given to you.Repetition to gain part cards and money.There's also a song about killing white men, like wtf? I don't want to get political, but the game advertises BLM on the splash screen which I'm all for, but diversity and equality goes both ways or none at all. There's fake gamer girl music that I skip every time it plays as it's ridiculously annoying. The main menu music starts off good and just when you think there might be a drop it starts playing it's own funeral with an organ.If you don't like flashes it has them for every checkpoint and race ending too awful. The worst offender was the skybox/lighting flashing through the terrain blinding me every few seconds. The whole game was built on this mechanic.

The other time you'll be encouraging them to crash. Cheating AI because they're too dimly coded half crash into the environment and get stuff.It's be better if it wasn't even in, it's unfinished. A feeble attempt at story telling that makes no sense at all.Nice to see different terrain now road and off-road.Cheating AI Enjoyed the cars and racing, but the game falls short of everything else.Car selection (though locked out of 1/4 of them as they're paid DLC).

… ExpandĮnjoyed the cars and racing, but the game falls short of everything else. I got this game on ps plus and I'm glad for it because EA doesn't deserve a single penny for this game and will not get a single penny from me. I'll say it again, this game should be illegal. The gameplay is nothing much to speak of and the upgrade system has you either grind for ages to hopefully get lucky on the slot machine so your cars get faster or, guess what, buy micro transactions. While the game is nothing special anyway and the "biggest map of any NFS" is just like that because it's set in a desert with very few streets in such a way that you know the entire map before you are half through with the bad campaign, the slot machine reward system for the special items and the literal Las Vegas slot machine upgrade system should be illegal as they are promoting child gambling by selling this game to children. While the game is nothing special anyway and the "biggest map of any NFS" is just like that because it's set in a desert with very few streets in such a way that you know the entire map before you are half through with the bad campaign, the slot machine reward system for the special items and the literal Las Vegas slot machine upgrade This game was ruined by EA's greed like so many others.

This game was ruined by EA's greed like so many others.